Cindy Sherman is one of America’s most influential living artists, renowned for her series of photographs featuring hundreds of characters modelled by the artist herself. Two new exhibitions showcase these remarkable works, which, in the age of the selfie, are more relevant than ever.

Untitled #92 by Cindy Sherman, 1981 (from the Centerfolds series). Courtesy of the artist and Metro Pictures, New York
Born in 1954 in New Jersey, Cindy Sherman first explored the ideas that would become her trademark while attending art school at Buffalo State College, where she quickly abandoned painting in favour of photography.

Drawing on imagery from art history, film, TV, magazines (and, later, the internet), and making use of make-up, costumes, props and prosthetics, Sherman has become renowned for her explorations into the construction of contemporary identity.
Untitled Film Still #15, 1978, and Untitled Film Still #21, 1978, by Cindy Sherman. Courtesy of the artist and Metro Pictures, New York
She began the Untitled Film Stills series after moving to New York in 1977. The 70 black-and-white photographs, featuring Sherman wearing a range of costumes and hairstyles referencing vintage Hollywood, film noir and European art-house films, received widespread critical recognition and defined the approach she would take for much of her career. Read More>>